Distinción "Buena Práctica en Participación Ciudadana" 2019
XIII Edición - 2019
"La ville rêvée, verte, durable et solidaire" par le Conseil Municipal des Enfants de Metz
En particular, se trataron temas relacionados con los medios de construcción sostenibles, los materiales respetuosos con el medio ambiente y las energías renovables, con el fin de reflexionar lo mejor posible sobre el diseño de este modelo colectivo.
Esta maqueta va acompañada de cuadernos de artistas que transcriben las palabras expresadas por los niños durante su concepción, así como los bocetos realizados a tal efecto. A través de este logro, el Consejo Municipal de los Niños aportó su contribución al trabajo prospectivo realizado por la redacción del Agenda 21.
El carácter innovador de esta realización reside en su inclusión en un proceso de consulta de los habitantes, iniciado en el marco de la redacción del proyecto de territorio sostenible de la ciudad de Metz (Agenda 21).
Este trabajo colectivo, realizado sobre la base de una inteligencia colectiva, ha hecho posible la publicación de un documento público, común a las diferentes categorías de actores consultadas (niños, adultos, habitantes, usuarios): "Las 300 propuestas de los Messins en términos de desarrollo sostenible".
The "Dreamed City" is a model collection and an artist book that have been produced by the "Culture and Heritage Committee" of the "Children Town Council" (which is composed of 55 children aged 9 to 11, who are elected by their classmates for a two-year term), in collaboration with the artist Sarah POULAIN and the Pompidou Center – Metz.
This is how they worked on a model made exclusively from recycled materials, representing a futuristic city which would meet the challenges of sustainable development.
A first meeting with the Sustainable Development department of the City of Metz allowed them to discuss about the concepts and practices applied to environment preservation and energy transition.
In particular, topics related to sustainable construction methods, environmentally friendly materials, and renewable energies were discussed in order to refine their design of this collective model.
The children thought about the appropriate materials to make the homes and public services that make up their model (solar panels, wind turbines, glass or green roofs, etc.) but also a responsible way to move around the city (environmentally friendly modes of transport, accessibility for disabled people, etc.) as well as ways to densify social links (shared houses, intergenerational conviviality spaces, etc.).
This model is accompanied by the artist's notebooks, which transcribe the words expressed by the children during its conception as well as the sketches made for this purpose. That prospective work represents the "Children Town Council" contribution to the drafting of City of Metz Agenda 21.
The model has been exhibited on several occasions (Pompidou-Metz Center, Ecology Festival at the European Institute of Ecology, European Heritage Days, etc.). It has met with great success and has been distinguished with a trophy at the French National Assembly, awarded by the Assembly President and the Ecology Minister at the "Eco-Mayors" ceremony in Paris.
The innovative nature of this achievement lies in the inclusion in the consultation process of the inhabitants, which was initiated within the framework of the drafting of the "sustainable territory project" of the City of Metz (Agenda 21). In particular, this action has been implemented through the active and concrete participation of a young public, which is frequently forgotten in the consultation and co-construction procedures concerning major societal issues.
Moreover, the children's creativity (creation of a model and artists' notebooks) has been forwarding a collective and universal cause: sustainable development. Thus, the children's creativity and values were expressed here in "materials" as well as in "words".
This collective work, carried out on the basis of collective intelligence, has also resulted in the edition of a common leaflet, authored by all the actors (children, adults, inhabitants, users): "The 300 propositions of the Metz citizens in terms of sustainable development ".
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