2018 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
XII Edition 2018
Presupuesto Abierto y Participativo Ciudadano
Por último, se desarrolló una herramienta de control y transparencia sobre las obras públicas ligadas al presupuesto, la plataforma “Nuestras Obras”. Se muestra el gasto de obras que realiza el municipio. Esto permite que el ciudadano busque cada obra de forma geolocalizada con datos tales como: monto presupuestado, fecha de finalización, porcentaje y fotografías de avance de obra, empresa adjudicataria, etc.
En outre, on a développé un outil de contrôle et de transparence dans le secteur de Travaux Publics liés au budget, la plateforme “Nos Travaux”. Là, on montre les dépenses en travaux publics de la mairie. Cela permet que le citoyen réalise une recherche de chaque travail de manière géo-localisée grâce à de données telles que : montant du budget, date de finalisation, pourcentage et photos de la progression du travail, l’entreprise chargée de ce travail, etc.
We also developed a tool for control and transparency over the public work linked to the budget, which is the platform “Our Works”. In this platform, the Municipality’s expenditure is shown. This allows that every citizen can search in a geolocalized way works and information such as budgeted amount, completion date, percentage and photographs of the work process, awarded companies, and so on.
Finally, this tool has a channel for citizen’s contributions or inquiries where the citizen can clarify all their concerns about budget issues. By using this participatory channel, the municipality is improving this tool in a dynamic and collaborative way.
This proposal is innovative because, from the very beginning, it was thought to be reusable. Based on a collaborative spirit, we worked on free software and we signed agreements with other municipalities to help them open their own organisms at lower cost.
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