2018 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
XII Edition 2018
Montevideo Decide / Montevideo Decides / Montevideo Décide
Montevideo Decide: https://decide.montevideo.gub.uy
Nivel 1: accede con una cuenta de Twitter, Facebook o Google+
Nivel 2: accede realizando el registro de usuario del Estado, completando el formulario de la Agencia de Gobierno Digital y la Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento de Uruguay (AGESIC).
Montevideo Decides: https://decide.montevideo.gub.uy
Level 1: access with a Twitter, Facebook or Google+ account
Level 2: access by registering a State level user account, completing the form of the Digital Government and Information and Knowledge Society Agency of Uruguay (AGESIC).
Montevideo Décide: https://decide.montevideo.gub.uy
Niveau 1: Accès avec une compte Twitter, Facebook ou Google+
Niveau 2: Accès en enregistrant l'utilisateur de l'État, complétant la forme de l'Agence du gouvernement numérique et de la Société de l'information et du savoir de l'Uruguay (AGESIC).
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Participants of the field and game are ensured for the judgment. The position of the Board and Train are ensured for the goodness. Such love for the animals is good and durable for the top of the turn for field.
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