2018 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
XII Edition 2018
"Your budget" - participatory project from St. Petersburg, Russia
2) ¿Cuál es la práctica /innovación que se presenta y cuál es su objetivo?
- Establecer un diálogo institucionalizado entre los ciudadanos y la administración;
- Recibir ideas nuevas sobre el desarrollo del ambiente urbano;
- Educar a la gente sobre presupuestos y gobernanza;
- Incrementar la transparencia y la eficacia del gasto presupuestario.
1) Who’s presenting the candidacy?
This project is a cooperation between the state and academic community with joint effort to design an innovative methodology which aims to make the citizens fully empowered stakeholders in the budgeting process.
The proposal is submitted by Government of St. Petersburg Committee of Finance, which is the main project coordinator since 2016.
The first phase of the project is the collection of citizens’ ideas through the website https://tvoybudget.spb.ru. Then, during the second phase, the lottery selects the members of the district-level budgeting committees which typically consist of 40-50 people. The lottery provides the most unbiased way of selection since during this phase the project is more about choosing the people rather than the ideas.
After the lottery, for 4 months, the selected committees discuss and deliberate the ideas of their members and of the general public together with consultants and city officials. During this period, a whole set of public lectures is organized by the city administration on budgets, governance, regulations, urbanism and other relevant topics.
After deliberation and education phases, the initiatives go through the technical expertise by city administration and then the committee members vote on the remaining ideas. The winning proposals are carried out by the city administration in collaboration with the initiative’s author.
The goals of the project are:
• To establish an institutionalized dialogue between the citizens and administration;
• To receive new ideas on the development of urban environment;
• To educate people on budgeting and governance;
• To increase transparency and effectiveness of budget spending.
In 2016, there were 2 districts and 766 ideas from 580 people. In 2018, there were 18 districts participating in collection of ideas (out of which 6 were selected to hold budgeting committee meetings), which attracted 5265 ideas from 3273 citizens.
First of all, it is an educational project which is more about the people than the ideas. Most people can get the access to the information on governance they wouldn’t learn anywhere else. The project’s unique lectures are public and available to everybody. Also, it helps to shape the ideas into full-scale proposals that can be carried out by the city administration immediately.
Secondly, it is the first example of participatory budgeting in Russian federal district, and St. Petersburg is the largest city in Russia which does such a diversified and complex project.
Finally, the project proved its efficiency over time: it exists only for 3 years, but it is already known that around 40% of the participants come back the next year.
La proposition est soumise par le Comité des finances du gouvernement de Saint-Pétersbourg, principal coordinateur du projet depuis 2016.
2) Quelle est l'expérience?
https://tvoybudget.spb.ru. Puis, au cours de la deuxième phase, la loterie sélectionne les membres des comités de budgétisation au niveau du district qui sont généralement composés de 40 à 50 personnes. La loterie est la méthode de sélection la plus impartiale car, au cours de cette phase, le projet consiste davantage à choisir les personnes que les idées.
. Établir un dialogue institutionnalisé entre les citoyens et l'administration;
· Recevoir de nouvelles idées sur le développement de l'environnement urbain;
· Eduquer les gens sur la budgétisation et la gouvernance;
. Augmenter la transparence et l'efficacité des dépenses budgétaires.
Tout d'abord, c'est un projet éducatif qui concerne plus les gens que les idées. La plupart des gens peuvent avoir accès à l'information sur la gouvernance qu'ils n'apprendraient nulle part ailleurs. Les conférences uniques du projet sont publiques et accessibles à tous. En outre, il contribue à façonner les idées en propositions à grande échelle qui peuvent être effectuées par l'administration municipale immédiatement.
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Conversation with Alex Hopkins
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