2021 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
15th Edition 2021
Supports are subject to the following rules:
- You can support up to 5 proposals.
Co-creation and citizen participation "Pompeu Lab" (Santa Coloma de Gramanet)
The Pompeu Lab is the "house of participation" of the city of Santa Coloma de Gramenet, aimed at innovation and social creativity. It is a meeting place for citizens, offering them the innovative and technological tools and resources necessary for debate, co-creation and the dissemination of new ideas about the city.
The Pompeu Lab Centre is a laboratory of citizen ideas, driven by the proactive action of the citizens themselves. Each citizen has a valid contribution to make from his or her field, from his or her competencies and from his or her willingness to pool personal and collective talent for the benefit of all citizens.
For this reason, the centre was created with the aim of becoming a space for coexistence and sharing through innovation and using new techniques and technologies to empower citizens, promoting the values of teamwork, solidarity and the idiosyncrasy of Santa Coloma by fostering a sense of belonging and its positive values.
Up to now, work has been carried out on:
- The establishment of a community through spaces for co-creation and citizen reflection, the action of which has reverted to the common good of the city (example: diagnosis of the citizen brigades for the elimination of architectural barriers).
- The empowerment of citizens through new methodologies in the use of the word, the formulation of proposals and the exchange of experiences.
- The opening of participatory channels to the sectors that are furthest away from the day-to-day running of the city's policies.
- The socialisation with entities, foundations, institutes, etc. of the instruments of creation from the promotion of teamwork and the management of synergies.
- Contributing to the debate on the day-to-day issues of city life with the vocation of a collective search for solutions and improvements.
- Using social innovation techniques applied to the field of participation.
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