2021 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
15th Edition 2021
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Participatory Planning for revitalization of the Varaždin School of Music - “3 days for a 100 years of future“
Throughout the project following activities took place: series of workshops with school users, citizens and architects; surveys and discussions; urbanistic, architectural, heritage conservation and pedagogical analysis.
Main participatory activity was a 3-day workshop called '3 days for a 100 years of future’, in Varaždin from 11 to 13 September 2020, in the School of Music Varaždin.
More than 350 people were involved in the process that started in May 2020, more than 1400 needs, wishes and ideas were collected and analysed. Also, spatial programming with users also took place in a 3-day workshop with a goal to understand a school as a living organism and to implement the needs and wishes in the new school. By doing that, the new school will be specifically designed/tailor-made for the current and future users.
Based on this vision and above described processes, an architectural competition task is being finalized right now, which is the main content for european wide urbanistic-architectural competition. Goal is to ensure the greatest possible solution for all users - intern and extern, and the sustainability and resilience of the future musical campus.
In short, we implemented many standards of quality, and by doing all of these steps, the specific context of the city of Varaždin was analysed and implemented in the new concept of Music campus in the heart of our city.
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Great post and I really admire your work.
https://bit.ly/3lZsdIn | https://bit.ly/3G6I9k8 | https://bit.ly/3rdaQqK |
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