2021 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
15th Edition 2021
Supports are subject to the following rules:
- You can support up to 5 proposals.
Implementation of webGIS system for citizens (Velika Gorica)
The new solution (application) has been in use since 2019 and it has reduced citizen arrivals in the City Department for Urbanism and environmental protection, reduced spending paper, increased communication online, increased the number of suggestions from the citizens, has increased citizen participation in making important decisions for the development of the city, but also increased the quality of life of all stakeholders involved in the process.
The application is actively used and so far, has not required technological improvements, additional financial expenses and has not had any problems within the GIS system itself. We receive positive comments from citizens for ease of use application, as well as from experts who receive more (quality) suggestions than before using innovative solutions.
The mentioned GIS system is regularly supplemented with new spatial plans and other official documentation, all in order to provide a better inGISht to all stakeholders and which will all ultimately culminate in online participation in a public hearing.
By further upgrading the GIS system, the City of Velika Gorica wants to confirm and continue with an innovative and effective approach to managing regular activities of the City, city property and city projects, but this time with emphasis on additional involvement of citizens in spatial planning.
Finally, we can say that we expect an increase in the productivity of City employees due to the reduction in the number of citizens who come to the city administration for information that is now publicly available on the City's website, and thus eliminate the possibility of potential costs of hiring additional staff.
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