2021 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
15th Edition 2021
Supports are subject to the following rules:
- You can support up to 5 proposals.
Program for the Integral Modernization of Neighborhood Centers in the City of Córdoba
The Municipality of Cordoba (Argentina) developed the Municipal Decentralisation and Deconcentration Plan, to achieve proximity to the neighbours of the city. The aim is to provide the Neighbourhood Centres (CV in Spanish) with governance capacity in the new context of complexities and challenges they face.
The following topics of common interest were identified as a result of the joint work of the CV authorities and the Municipality of Cordoba:
- Greater transparency in the electoral processes for new authorities.
- Encouraging the participation of young people over 16 years of age.
- Gender perspective in the Neighbourhood Centres.
- Further extension of mandates to 3 years.
- Incorporation of the Neighbourhood Centres into the Ciudadano Digital (CIDI) platform.
The main actions carried out are the following.
Enactment of Ordinance N°13.006/20, which authorises the CVs to be contracted by the Municipality of Cordoba to carry out tasks arising from their adhesion to the Neighbourhood Development Self-Management Regime. In this way, the contracting ordinance is modified in order to be able to contract CVs directly from the Municipal State.
A decentralised system has been structured which is crystallised through the Community Participation Centres (CPC), municipal bodies established in the Municipal Charter, and is completed with the action of the CVs. In this way, each CV will be able to survey the most pressing needs of its area and implement public policies in conjunction with the Municipality of Córdoba.
In 2021, the Neighbourhood Participation Boards and the Neighbourhood Participatory Budget were set up, both instruments of decentralisation established in the Municipal Charter and regulated since 2009.
At the same time, there is a set of actions that accompany the initiative to move towards a more dynamic and effective relationship with the CVs as protagonists of the progress of the neighbours in a joint work with the Municipality of Cordoba. These include: agreements with governmental, professional and social institutions; economic aid, among others.
Another mechanism for participation and visibility is the Sowing Citizenship Programme aimed at raising awareness, training and technical assistance to the CVs and social organisations in the city, through alliances with public and private actors in the city.
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Felicitaciones Martín Llaryora y equipo!!! Excelente iniciativa
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