2021 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
15th Edition 2021
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- You can support up to 5 proposals.
ATR Participative Projects: For More Autonomy, Territoriality and Youth Networks (Province of Santa Fe)
ATR Proyectos Participativos (Por más Autonomía, Territorialidad y Redes Jóvenes) or Participative Projects (For More Autonomy, Territoriality and Youth Networks) was created to promote the initiatives of the young people of Santa Fe through the financing of projects that aim to have a positive impact on the youth of Santa Fe in their communities.
The objectives of the programme are, in general, to empower young people as active protagonists in their communities in order to guarantee the transversality and territorial coordination of specific policies, as a tool to increase the approximation to the needs and challenges of the young population of each geographical area of Santa Fe. At the same time, ATR Santa Fe seeks to enhance their participation in social transformation and in the conduct of public affairs, to promote their creative and entrepreneurial capacities, both in urban and rural areas, in order to foster rootedness and human development.
The re-signification of youth in the plural allows us to recognise the multiplicity of processes (economic, social, political, cultural and geographical) that affect young people who circulate in a plurality of social and territorial spaces, so that their active participation constitutes a window of opportunity for social development and growth. This is what the first line of work related to the promotion of rights of the programme deals with.
On the other hand, the impact of the technological revolution requires reinforcing their skills for a better insertion in the productive system and in the labour market and, in this sense, the remaining lines of action proposed in this programme aim to strengthen the tools of young people in the field of their autonomy, in their links with the territory and in the construction of networks of youth organisation and socialisation.
We monitor the implementation and execution of the projects, accompanying the groups, continuing to communicate, holding virtual and face-to-face meetings according to the possibilities of the context marked by the pandemic. The participatory projects that were chosen after the selection process were financed with amounts of up to 50,000 Argentinean pesos according to the budgets presented in the application form.
Once the corresponding payments have been made, the groups are asked to participate in follow-up meetings and exchange of experiences, where we address issues corresponding to the relevant thematic areas in order to deepen the development of the projects, generating instances of debate that allow for the improvement of the implementation of the projects, strengthening the fluid dialogue between the State and the community.
ATR Participative Projects was proposed from the outset to be a programme that promotes and promotes the active development of young people in society. To revalue the actions and proposals that are strongly led by this sector, not only from an activist point of view, but also by thinking, discussing and elaborating necessary and strategic dynamics that are adapted to the current times, generating above all positive transformations in their territories.
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Conversation with Alcaldia Municipal de Chía
Felicidades por ese programa que han logrado implementar en Santa Fe, es muy acertado el hecho de tener en cuenta a la población juvenil, puesto que es en esas edades donde se manifiestan con mayor frecuencia e intensidad los aprendizajes y las ideas innovadoras, que sin ligar a duda, contribuyen en la construcción de una ciudadanía más participativa.
Esto es pura mentira.
Los de ATR Juventudes crearon un programa llamado "Activa Futuro", donde daban becas para estudiar, seleccionaron a 500 jóvenes y después a muchos no les pagaron y le metían excusas. Jugaron con la ilusión de muchos jóvenes. Es una vergüenza lo que hicieron
ATR Juventudes es una mentira.
Todavía no pagaron el Activa Futuro a muchos jóvenes, jugaron con la ilusión de los muchos. Dan vergüenza
Usted no sabe nada señor. ATR Juventudes estafo a muchos chicos
Estos chicos de ATR Juventudes prometen proyectos que después no pagan
Infórmese y verá que atr engañó y jugo con la ilusión de muchos jóvenes
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