2021 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
15th Edition 2021
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Citizen Participation Area for Follow-up of the Strategy to Fight Corruption and Strengthen Public Integrity (Catalonia)
The Citizen Participation Area for Monitoring (EPCS) of the Anti-Corruption Strategy of the Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia) is an independent, civil society commission responsible for monitoring the implementation of 25 actions foreseen in the Strategy, to ensure that the process is carried out in a framework of transparency and accountability.
The Space was constituted on 15 July 2020 and is made up of a group of ten people chosen under gender parity criteria: seven citizens chosen by lottery from among the participants in the Strategy's participatory process, and three representatives of organised civil society (from the Citizen Observatory Against Corruption, the Association of Political Scientists and Sociologists of Catalonia and the Ostrom Institute Catalonia). Maria Carme Noguer is the president and Feliu Madaula the secretary.
After the publication of each of the progress reports foreseen in the Strategy's accountability framework - quarterly, half-yearly and annual - the members of this Citizen Audit Space meet to analyse them and draw up a feedback document. Their observations are published on the Strategy's website, disseminated in the Generalitat's open government newsletter and also on social media.
The Space's observations are especially considered by the Steering Group, the Executive Group, the Strategy's implementation programme team and the different units of the Government of Catalonia responsible for implementing the Strategy's actions.
Since its constitution, the Civil Society Participation Space has met periodically to discuss the reports and has produced different documents:
- Assessment by the EPCS of the Annual Monitoring Report of the Strategy for Fighting Corruption and Strengthening Public Integrity of January 2021.
- Comments to the third progress report of the Strategy (November 2020).
- Feedback document on the six-monthly report of the Strategy (July 2020)
The content of the Space reports can be found here: http://governobert.gencat.cat/en/que-es/estrategia-de-lluita-contra-la-corrupcio/espai-participacio/index.html
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