2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Presupuestos Participativos Torredonjimeno - Participatory Budget in Torredonjimeno
Torredonjimeno is a municipality of just over 13,000 inhabitants belonging to the province of Jaén (Spain). Since 2008 Torredonjimeno began its journey in a process of Participatory Budgets. Until today the process is still in force, being the longest-running process in Andalusia, characterized by its permanence over time with different municipal government teams.
Another characteristic of this process is the inclusion of children's ages in it. Through didactic workshops carried out in all the local schools, boys and girls in the 5th and 6th grades of primary school participate in the process by contributing their proposals and incorporating them into the rest of the adult proposals in a binding manner.
Other aspects that characterize the Participatory Budgets of Torredonjimeno are its regulations, included in a self-regulation carried out by the citizens themselves, the deliberation of proposals in citizen assemblies or the possibility of participating in the final votes of the process online.
In short, the process of Participatory Budgets of Torredonjimeno has managed to permeabilize citizens above ideologies or political tendencies and is already part of the idiosyncrasy of the residents, with the participation of about 1,500 people in each process.
Today, after almost 15 years on the road, we can say that the most important thing is to continue on the road together.
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Que buena iniciativa por parte del Municipio y lo mas importante es que siga en el tiempo!
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