2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Yucatan Agenda 2040
The 2040 Agenda is a social innovation that arises from collective intelligence in the framework of attention to the impacts of the health crisis caused by COVID-19. That is why, the Government of the state of Yucatan, through the Technical Secretariat for Planning and Evaluation; developed a roadmap that includes five axes aligned to the sustainable development variable that contribute to governance and territorial planning, to serve as a reference for the public, private and social sectors, to have a vision that allows them to plan and prepare for the future, which are:
- Yucatan with better quality of life for people
- Prosperous and competitive Yucatan
- Yucatan united based on strategic alliances
- Yucatan that cares for the planet responsibly
- Yucatan with Security, Peace, Justice and good government
The 2040 Agenda is an instrument that aims to promote the economic reactivation plan in Yucatan, through short, medium and long-term projects. For each of the five axes that make up the roadmap of this strategy, the following goals are set:
- End poverty
- Gender equality for social cohesion
- Communities with cultural identity
- Present education for the future
- Universal health
- Quality work and human capital
- Inclusive and sustainable economy
- Innovation and technology for development
- Traditional and avant-garde tourism
- Sustainable agricultural and fishing development
- Natural resources for the future
- Responsible and resilient society
- Universal and inclusive mobility
- Protection of the rule of law
- Governance and management for results
- Alliances for Yucatan
For the preparation of the 2040 Agenda, a participatory strategic planning methodology was applied, in which the principles of the Logical Framework Methodology (LFM) and the "Theory of Change" were used. The document is made up of five axes, each of which corresponds to the dimensions of sustainable development or “The 5 Ps of Sustainable Development” for its acronym in English (People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnerships). In addition to being a document that integrates all the characteristics of sustainable development, it is also an innovative initiative because it seeks to include the participation and cooperation of multi-stakeholders, including the three levels of government, that is, the federal, state and municipal governments, in addition to collaborate transversally with the executive, legislative and judicial powers and incorporate key actors such as business chambers, the public sector, civil associations and citizens into the work route.
Finally, the immediate result is an unprecedented planning instrument, with short-term actions to accelerate economic reactivation and social recovery, medium- and long-term projects for the new generation of people born in 2022, with commitments and agreements from the social, public and private sectors, and with quantitative and qualitative goals that will serve to monitor and evaluate achievements.
More information:
��¿Qué es la AGENDA 2040? ASÍ se CONSTRUYE al YUCATÁN del FUTURO👏 | TELE Yucatán
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Es de suma importancia tener un documento como este, para que en un futuro no lejano no nos vuelva a sorprender una pandemia como lo es ahora el COVID 19; y no solo tenerlo sino aplicarlo al 100 % y tener muy en cuenta las "5 P del desarrollo sostenible".
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