2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Grenoble-Alpes métropole : Metropolitan citizens' convention for the climate
The Metropolitan Citizens' Convention for the Climate is made up of 120 citizens drawn by lot and representative of the diversity of the population of the Grenoble metropolitan area. Members meet for 5 weekends to learn, debate, deliberate... work on proposals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Grenoble metropolitan area by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 .
Their proposals will be debated during an extraordinary metropolitan council. Those that will cause the most debate or induce in-depth changes will be submitted to a citizen vote organized in the Metropolis (450,000 inhabitants, 49 municipalities) in 2023.
Ultimately, the actions carried out by the citizens' convention will feed into the revision of the Climate Air Energy Plan in 2023, its implementation calling for unprecedented collective and individual action, with all the actors and inhabitants of the territory.
The work of the members of the Agreement is steered by an Operational Committee, independent of the Métropole, made up of academics and experts from the region. Guarantors also ensure the diversity of the information provided and the neutrality of exchanges between the members of the Agreement. This governance allows the independence of the debates and the legitimacy of the proposals that will be made.
ADEME's scenarios, drawn up at national level, allow citizens to think about their visions of the territory in 2050 and to place the cursor between sobriety and everything technological, in order to meet their ambitious mandate: for the citizens to arbitrate, prioritize and assess the acceptability of truly ambitious measures to engage the metropolitan territory.
The measures will be assessed technically to ensure their viability on greenhouse gas emissions, but also in terms of social justice, impacts on biodiversity or even on the adaptation to the rise in temperatures already effective in the Grenoble metropolis.
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