2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
The sustainable planning process of the Province of San Juan: Governance and multilevel articulation
We present the process led by Governor Sergio Uñac, who, by political decision at the time of assuming as Governor in 2015, promoted a development model in the province of San Juan, Argentina, under a multilevel scheme, in a harmonious, balanced and sustainable way. . He proposed as an objective to develop the San Juan Strategic Plan and strategic plans in each of the province's municipalities under the slogan of doing so in a way that implies collective construction and citizen participation. That is: participatory democracy.
The Council for Strategic Planning of San Juan is the provincial government agency that carries out the planning process with citizen participation, aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). https://planestrategico.sanjuan.gob.ar/. Interministerial Committees (representatives of each of the ministries of the provincial executive power) and the Consultative Committee, an institutional academic made up of the most relevant institutions in the province, are involved in the process.
The Strategic Plan of the Province of San Juan and as part of it, the Local Development Plans in the different departments of the province, are the result of a participatory, continuous, open and dynamic process that the Government (provincial and municipal) comes developing in a transversal and articulated way with the reference institutions of society and citizens.
To this end, the Government of San Juan has a strategic alliance with the Ibero-American Union of Municipalists of Spain, an organization with vast experience in planning processes in Ibero-America.
The link with said SDG Agenda converges in initiatives aimed at achieving inclusive education, safe housing, accessible public transportation, optimal health systems, quality employment, among others; leaving no one behind. This translates into economic growth, social inclusion and environmental sustainability; worked, built and managed from the territory, with and for the citizens, in an open, transparent, sustained and multilevel democratic exercise that is aimed at reducing inequalities.
Respect, equality and inclusion stand out as axes, within the processes, seeking to generate opportunities that give the possibility of rooting and progress in every corner of the province of San Juan for current and future generations.
Currently 13 departments have strategic plans for local development. They have been prepared from their own territories, with their people, and today they are in the updating and follow-up stage, with the accompaniment of citizens and giving continuity, in some of them, with a new management in a new period of government. . In a pandemic, work was sustained with a reengineering of participatory instances, giving a leading role to social networks, ICT tools and others.
The planning process is currently beginning in 3 municipalities of the metropolitan area.
There are 9 progress reports from the departments of Calingasta, Iglesia, Jáchal, Valle Fértil, 25 de Mayo, Sarmiento, Angaco, Ullum and Zonda.
The strategic plans for San Martín, Caucete, 9 de Julio and Albardón are published and ready for presentation.
In terms of monitoring and evaluation, work is being done to update the San Juan Strategic Plan.
A citizen assembly system has begun to be implemented to promote, follow up and monitor departmental plans.
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