2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Programa Tutores de Cascais - Tutors Program
The Cascais Tutors Active Participation Program was created by Cascais Ambiente in 2009.
The tutor is a privileged interlocutor between the local population and Cascais Ambiente/municipal services.
Its mission is to monitor, in its area of residence/area that it oversees, the state of urban cleanliness, waste collection, maintenance of urban green public spaces, play and recreation spaces, sidewalks, sidewalks, lighting, public safety, parking , abandoned vehicles on public roads, stray animals, among other situations.
Whenever there are problems in these areas, the tutor, due to his ease and proximity to Cascais Ambiente and other services within the scope of the Municipality of Cascais, communicates the report of the situations to these organic Units.
The resolution of requests is around 99% on average. It is a worthwhile, voluntary and inclusive project: everyone, as long as they are over 18 years old, can play a leading role in the life of their community!
Tutors also participate in actions for cleaning and conserving nature, planting trees, raising awareness of the correct separation of waste, also contributing to the enrichment of a better and greater environmental awareness among their peers, among other actions. Finally, they ensure the maintenance and preservation of 93 playgrounds and play and recreation spaces, 31 community gardens, 3 vineyards, 3 community orchards and 133 ha of green areas.
There are currently 257 Tutors: Bairro, Hortas and Praia, covering more than 90% of Cascais territory. The area covered by the program now reaches 95,730 accommodation units and approximately 200,000 inhabitants.
In this way, the municipality seeks to promote synergies between the municipality and the residents of the Municipality, involve, inform and sensitize citizens in the monitoring of their neighbourhoods, gardens and beaches and solve, more quickly, the problems identified.
The program also aims to achieve other objectives such as promoting public participation which, in turn, makes it possible to sensitize citizens to the respect and sharing of public space. Making people aware of their active role as citizens in the decision of managing the territory, identifying, debating and prioritizing projects for the municipality, promoting the sharing of views on the problems and needs of the territory is one of the main premises of the project.
In general terms, the program instills in the community the concepts of Sustainability and Environmental/Social Responsibility, pillars that are fundamental to make “Cascais, the best place to live for a day, a week or a lifetime”.
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