2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Preparing a participatory 20 year's vision by the elites and citizens of Hamedan
To provide a long-term vision for the city, Hamedan Municipality has decided to involve various groups of urban stakeholders in developing a 20-year vision.
The purpose of this partnership is to increase the possibility of achieving the final vision prepared with the participation of different groups of citizens. Another goal of this project is to increase the level of public satisfaction of citizens due to their participation in determining the future vision of their city from the bottom up.
To this end, due to the limitations caused by the Coronavirus, it was decided that by holding a public call and awarding prizes to the participants, it would be possible to pave the way for citizens' participation in shaping the city's Vision. For this purpose, while studying the works of different domestic and foreign cities and modeling them, it was decided to hold a call in the general section of citizens, children and adolescents, students, youth and urban elites.
All contributions related to this section were prepared through the forms prepared on the strategic plan site of Hamadan Municipality and the possibility of registration and participation of different people was provided. Then, environmental advertisements, advertisements in city televisions, local media and newspapers and cyberspace were done to improve the participation of citizens, and finally, a text message was sent with the aim of inviting citizens to formulate the vision of the city of Hamedan.
The results of this issue, in addition to compiling the first participatory vision of the city of Hamedan, have created a sense of belonging of citizens to the prepared vision. Another tangible outcome is the creation of a network of caring citizens who will be used to continue the vision. In cases where there are changes in the structure of urban management and members of the city council, these citizens can pursue the realization of their vision and prevent managers from exercising the tastes of managers in the vision. Another case that is the indirect output of this project was the observation of differences in the presentation of opinions in different urban areas, which indicates the unbalanced services provided by the municipality in different neighborhoods.
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