2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Büyükçekmece: Vision 2050
The 2050 Büyükçekmece Vision aimed to reveal the current situation and potential of Büyükçekmece and to enable possible future visions to be handled by various interest groups from different perspectives, starting in 2020. In the 2050 Büyükçekmece Vision, different participation methods were applied together. Participatory planning and participatory management approach have been adopted in order to discuss and determine the vision for the future of Büyükçekmece. For this aim, various data collecting techniques have been used including field surveys, face-to-face interviews, and focus group discussions. The 2050 Büyükçekmece Vision consists of 7 separate phases:
1-Online surveys were conducted to apply citizens’ opinions on the future of Büyükçekmece and 934 opinions were received from 669 participants who are the different stakeholder groups in the district.
2-The 2050 Büyükçekmece Vision panel was held on 26 November-27 November 2021; It consists of 7 sessions, including 1 opening meeting, 5 sessions, and 1 general evaluation meeting. In the panel, the studies and evaluations made by experts and scientists about Büyükçekmece were discussed with a multidisciplinary approach. 350 participants from various interest groups took part in the panel.
3-Between 20 February 2022 and 1 April 2022, 16 workshops were held with 4 different focus groups, as well as thematic workshops on 10 different issues such as environmental policies, migration policies, disaster policies, and so on. A total of 469 people from public institutions and organizations, non-governmental organizations, citizens, and various interest groups participated in these workshops.
4- The 2050 Büyükçekmece Vision Survey was held on 2-3-4 April 2022. The survey was conducted face-to-face on a neighbourhood-based scale basis. It was conducted with 1,316 people in 24 neighborhoods so that citizens’ problems have been analyzed and suggestions for the solutions to these problems were received. The survey questions and the number of surveys to be conducted were formed on the basis of a scientific scale.
5- The 2050 Büyükçekmece Vision Employee Survey was conducted with 650 personnel of Büyükçekmece Municipality, their ideas and suggestions about the city were also taken.
6- City Planning Workshop: In light of the data obtained in the 2050 Büyükçekmece Vision panel, it is aimed to contribute to the 30-year spatial planning of the city. It is aimed to complete the technical studies at the City Planning Workshop, which is planned to be held on June 17, 2022.
7- It is aimed to present the 2050 Büyükçekmece Strategy Document by September 2022.
35 scientists from 16 different universities contributed to the 2050 Büyükçekmece Vision. At all these stages, the opinions and suggestions of 6,314 citizens from different interest groups were received. A book, which includes all these stages, will be published by the Municipality of Büyükçekmece and it will be treated as a top policy document in all of Büyükçekmece's planning studies.
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