2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Pour le climat, à Ivry, on agit ! - For the climate, in Ivry, we act!
For the climate, in Ivry, we act! is an approach undertaken by the municipality of Ivry-sur-Seine, which pursues the objective of building with the inhabitants but also the associations, the institutional and economic partners, the municipal services and the elected officials, a action plan to meet the climate, ecological and social challenge in Ivry-sur-Seine, with in particular a target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40% at the city level by 2035.
The challenge of this approach is to allow the most democratic development of this action plan: establish an assessment of the action already undertaken, promote citizen ownership of climate issues, create synergies to bring out projects of future and concrete actions, inform about the technical and legal constraints facing the municipality.
Favoring free and voluntary participation in the draw, the process began with a first phase of municipal and citizen programming imbued with popular education from June 2021 around climate issues. The citizen caravan, the democratic mobile tool of the approach, was deployed all summer to reach out to residents, during family days and climate frescoes organized by neighborhood houses, during the media library, to collect proposals from residents where they were. An online platform has been specifically created so that anyone with an internet connection can submit proposals. Between September and October, 13 participatory workshops were organized to discuss and collect proposals. At the same time, steps have been taken by and/or for the attention of agents and services: fresco climate workshops, Zero waste approach, etc., as well as the launch of an evolving exhibition dedicated to the climate at the 'Espace Gérard Philipe, in the city centre, collective work and internal awareness, cross-functional internal hives and public meetings.
Finally, a citizen vote was organized in November 2021 in order to prioritize by theme the objectives to be achieved for the next 2 years. A day dedicated to the Climate Conference was proposed on December 4, 2021 where the objectives prioritized by voters were unveiled. The approach will continue throughout the mandate, since two other Climate Conferences are already planned for 2023 and 2025, in order to take stock of the actions implemented in the city and continue this desire to address collectively all debates. Monitoring committees have been set up in order to continue to work in transparency with the inhabitants and the associations involved. Designed as places of work and collective construction to guide strategic decisions in terms of public climate policies and social justice, these committees will work on the methods of concrete implementation of actions at the scale of the city and our neighborhoods in bringing together agents, elected officials, inhabitants, actors and actors (economic, institutional, cultural, etc.) mobilized on the theme and priorities concerned. Thus, we have worked collectively to formulate proposals to meet the climate challenge and we will work collectively to implement these proposals, this is the meaning of the approach “For the climate, in Ivry, we act! ".
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Es una propuesta atrayente, donde se toma en cuenta a la población aportando con ideas frescas nuevas e innovadoras al gobierno, y de esta manera juntos ir perfeccionando la calidad de vida de la ciudadanía.
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