2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Rio de Janeiro: 1746 mais Inclusivo / 1746 more inclusive
Faced with the challenge of implementing a Digital Transformation Program, the City Council seeks mechanisms and instruments to strengthen the relationship with citizens in order to avoid the phenomenon of digital exclusion. In this context, the citizen relationship model was redesigned - during the preparation of the Rio 2021-2024 Strategic Plan - to incorporate into the digital transformation process lines of action aimed at strengthening the ties between City Council agencies and citizens. Here the proposal of the "1746 more Inclusive" project stands out.
The "1746 more Inclusive" project emerges as an innovative movement in the City Hall's relationship model with Cariocas. In the midst of the digital transformation process that the Municipality is currently undergoing, the project seeks to minimize the impacts of socioeconomic inequalities in the City, one of the cruelest aspects of which is digital exclusion.
Among the Sustainable Development Goals, the most relevant is SDG 10 - Reduce inequalities between and within countries. The Project aims to promote a more inclusive social participation process, promoting equal access to public services for all social classes, regardless of where they live or work in the city and their technological aptitude. The project's main innovation is in the offer of quality face-to-face service, in a movement to welcome the population that is not very technically qualified - lacking resources and technological knowledge - resistant to the digital transformation process or, still, that presents a preference for a humanized service.
For the execution of the project, the main actors involved in the project are: Technical Coordination of Channel Management; Sectorial Ombudsman Offices; Local Executive Managements (GEL's); City Hall Bodies.
The "1746 more Inclusive" project covered an audience of over 5,000 carioca citizens. The "1746 On the Runway" project has already attended more than 3,830 people and the "1746 Agency" has already attended more than 1,330 people, proving that, in only a few months of implementation, the project has been successful in its proposal to bring City Hall closer to citizens in search of humanized service.
The project is currently in an expansion phase, with plans to open two new branches in different districts, in addition to standardizing and implementing the new customer service model with quality control in the 50 local branches throughout the city.
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A great approach to giving people equal access to public services regardless of their technological capabilities
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