2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Buenaventura: Marea Digital
Marea Digital is a civic platform that allows Bonaverenses to identify and report local problems that affect the quality of life of their communities, and local initiatives that are working for the well-being of the inhabitants. In addition, it allows the District Government and other city actors to recognize key information to design solutions and make decisions based on evidence.
The purpose of the platform is to generate Community-Driven Data (CDD), that is, information from citizens, and precise local information to improve decision-making processes and map the most pressing needs. Through this platform, citizens have an innovative and effective way to participate and interact with the government. It also enables other key stakeholders to recognize relevant information to design processes and make evidence-based decisions.
Information and participation lack quality and frequency in Buenaventura. This project differs from the previous ones due to the use of civic technology and its Community Driven Data approach and was developed from a diagnostic study on: Citizen engagement: analysis of the context that can allow or hinder; Evidence-based decisions: to generate a collaborative process between citizens and governments based on the DCC; Technologies for civic engagement: Results and learnings from global experiences.
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Since the beginning of the project, Marea Digital has established itself as an ally and not an opposition to local public institutions. From the generation of citizen reports, these seek to influence the public decision-making of different government agencies such as the Ministry of Education, the Sewerage Society, among others, achieving an effective institutional response and thus encouraging the cycle of citizen participation. The District Government has expressed its intention to add a layer to the platform to monitor lighting issues and other public services, and likewise, the eventual possibility of adopting the platform from the district as a sustainability mechanism has been considered.
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