2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Agueda: LIFE ÁGUEDA – A River for All
The municipality of Águeda territorially integrates the areas classified as Sítio Rede Natura2000 Ria de Aveiro and Rio Vouga as well as Sítio Ramsar PT2089. The county's wetlands are thus recognized as relevant for nature conservation and the balance of hydrological cycles. The Águeda River is also a remarkable presence in the history and culture of the city and the territory, shaping traditions and emphasizing the character of the people. The presence and human occupation of the Águeda valley led, however, to a progressive degradation of the area surrounding the river, evident in the fragmentation and decrease in the quality of riverine habitats, as well as in the distancing of citizens from what is their river.
LIFE ÁGUEDA «Um Rio para Todos» aims at the rehabilitation of river ecosystems, restoration of the river continuum and restoration of riparian habitats, actively involving landowners, fishermen, universities, local authorities, citizens, schools, NGOs, public and private entities in the rehabilitation, preservation and enhancement of Rio! The placement of 5 fish passages guarantees continuity along tens of kilometers of water lines to promote migratory, endangered or vulnerable species, but whose economic value represents the livelihood of many fishing families. Two of these passages will be placed in river parks in the municipality of Águeda, and are temporary. Assembly and disassembly will be carried out with the participation of citizens (local inhabitants, schools invited to be part of the process). The fluvial continuity does not exhaust the suitability of the habitat, it will still be necessary to implement the most appropriate techniques to reduce the presence of invasive exotic species and increase the presence of native riparian species, in order to stimulate the rehabilitation of riparian habitats, to restore ecosystem services and benefit of nature.
Thus, with the collaboration and participation of the most diverse sectors of society, as well as through the implementation of various volunteering and citizen science programs, this multidisciplinary project aims to change individual and collective behaviors, with regard to the preservation of rivers/environment. , empowering society. The sustainability of the interventions carried out is linked to the effective commitment and participation of the community in general, and the commitment of each citizen. The meetings, in office and on the ground, with owners and entities, public dissemination actions, meetings with fishermen, together with the strong component of environmental education, which translates into hundreds of awareness and awareness actions, carried out with schools of the municipality and the region, as well as with groups of citizens, are promotional tools for the behavioral change of citizens, in the face of this problem, developed and implemented in the context of this project.
The existence and availability of adapted electrical equipment allows the participation of people with reduced mobility in the activities carried out, including those that would normally be forbidden to them as they take place in nature, in the surroundings of the river, in an outdoor space.
The project will be publicized to a specific audience through technical presentations aimed at replicating successful initiatives in other social and geographical contexts.
Because Rio belongs to and for everyone!
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Conversation with Mariano Picco
Great effort by everyone, keep the river Naiads happy
Thank you, Mariano for your comment;
Yes, we are making whatever in our hands to keep the fantastic biodiversity related with the river and the habitats within and around. Naturally, the invertebrates (like our “náiades”) among other fauna and flora taxa, will benefit from the improvements on the fluvial habitats, that all people involved is promoting. Fisherman, land owners, school community, visitors, population, are called to help and contribute!
Please if you should have any question, do not hesitate to contact us.
boa Águeda!
releva para a sustentabilidade
#EcoEscolas sempre!
:-) AC
Muito agradecemos a colaboração das escolas e o acolhimento excelente que temos da vossa parte! A criação destas interações e sinergias sem dúvidas potenciam o alcance das iniciativas realizadas e irradiam os conceitos e princípios da sustentabilidade a toda a comunidade escolar e, por consequência, à comunidade num sentido mais abrangente!
O nosso bem haja e esperamos continuar em franca cooperação!
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