2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Partido de General Pueyrredon: ParticipaMGP PB with Digital Inclusion
The Participatory Budget is an initiative through which the neighbors themselves propose and then vote on how to invest part of the municipal budget. It was carried out in the city in 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014 as a project of the executive branch without approved legislative regulations.
In a political agreement between all the political forces of the city it was decided to implement again this excellent experience of participation that had been truncated about a decade ago with a not very happy ending of winning projects without executing.
The deliberative council unanimously passed Municipal Ordinance 25061/21, which annually institutes the participatory budget in the area of the party of general pueyrredon, establishes stages and assigns a minimum annual budget.
By means of the Regulatory Decree 106/22, the Mayor manifested his decision to work together with the neighbors in the decision making process regarding part of the allocation of the municipality's budgetary resources, creating and regulating the ParticipaMGP PP Program by means of a regulation that establishes its main axes.
Previously, the ConexiónMGP Program was implemented, a participatory network of municipal spaces or dependencies where neighbors can enjoy free, unlimited and wireless internet access every day, 24 hours a day, with any device that has Wifi.
With the objective of connecting neighbors, democratizing technology and contributing to a more integrated and connected city.
Three digital classrooms were implemented in the Digital Points in the Sports Centers that allow greater proximity and agility with the neighbor, with the aim of digital literacy, the development of trades, the dissemination of knowledge and cultural development.
To then implement a digital platform that allows the comprehensive management of the Participatory Budget in a transparent manner, generating instances of dialogue between the neighbor and the government. With proposals registration, feasibility, project execution phases, project follow-up, comments and voting.
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