2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Union of the Parishes of Massamá and Monte Abraão: Orçamento Participativo Jovem - Youth Participatory Budget
The Youth Participatory Budget (OPJ), launched in November 2019, is one of the most recent tools of participatory democracy of the Union of Parishes of Massamá and Monte Abraão.
In the first two editions, the OPJ was aimed at young people (11-22 years old), with an annual allocation of €20,000 to implement the 4+ projects voted on. At the time, a working group was created consisting of students from the 5 schools in the parish (2nd cycle, 3rd cycle and secondary) that in 4 sessions defined the main rules of the OPJ Participation Norms.
In the 1st edition, 13 “Spots da Freguesia” were held, in which 458 young people presented and debated 102 proposals. After the analysis phase, 1251 young people voted online and in person for 28 proposals.
In the 1st Edition, the winning proposals addressed innovative themes: PaintBall Tournament (executed); 2 awareness-raising projects on animal abuse and adoption (in progress) and a project aimed primarily at 9th graders on first aid. (running).
In the 2nd edition of the OPJ, the same methodology was maintained. It had the participation of 441 young people in 20 “Spots da Freguesia” who presented 130 proposals. In the technical analysis, 80 proposals were validated and were voted on by 638 young people.
The 4 winning projects of this edition were once again differentiating and are in the planning stage: Creation of Studiobelo (a multimedia studio/school radio); holding a self-defense workshop; holding a programming workshop and holding an Archery Tournament.
The 3rd edition of OPJ started in November 2021 with 3 co-creation sessions in which young people defined the methodology of the project that was presented to schools, essential partners. A group of teachers was empowered, taking into account that the 1st phase took place essentially in 4 classroom sessions. The young people (teams 2 to 5) presented 256 proposals in the areas: Public Spaces; Education; Culture; Sport; Social action; Civil protection; Environment and Citizenship. In the last session, each young person voted on their favorite proposal to elect the one that would go on to the next phase.
In the 2nd phase, we held a “Battle of Proposals”, in all 5 schools, with the 58 winning proposals from each class. Young people voted on two proposals to elect the 3 most voted proposals from each school that went on to the next phase.
The OPJ Analysis team, (school representatives, young students, Mypolis partner and a Parish Council employee), analyzed the 15 finalist proposals, validating 10 for the next phase.
We are currently in the final vote and are returning to schools to activate young people to participate. To date, around 1126 young people have voted on a smartphone in 2 of the 10 finalist projects.
The 3rd edition will end with the presentation of the final results, thus identifying the 3 most voted and winning projects, each of which has a maximum value of €7000.00, but also the + participatory team, the team with + votes and the school + participatory.
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Good morning, but the information you share is very useful, I hope you always bring great things slope 2 unblocked
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