2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Co-creation of Open Government Action Plans in São Paulo
Expressing São Paulo's commitment to the population to make public management more transparent, integral, responsive and participatory, the 3rd Open Government Action Plan in São Paulo was co-created by government and civil society actors, especially members of the Shared Management Forum, a collegiate body of government and society representations, which organized and participated in Public Consultations, workshops and meetings between February and September 2021.
Considering co-creation as a central stage of social participation in the formulation of public policies, the Action Plan's design methodology proposes flexibility and integration, allowing, at each stage of its development, the formation of different pacts between those involved in the process. At each stage of the Action Plan, a Shared Management Forum is composed between Civil Society and the government that, according to their respective members, acts in co-creation. Therefore, shares and processes can be changed, not following a rigid methodology, but guidelines that can be customized in specific solutions for different contexts.
Combining public events and methodologies that allowed from the participation of specialists to the population in general, the third stage of the Action Plan aimed at mapping priority themes for civil society, through Public Consultations and Solutions Workshops, to think of strategies for address the topics considered priority.
Co-governance and co-creation, at this stage, were designed in order to involve community dialogue for solutions in which people recognize themselves, expanding the effectiveness of Public Policies.
The 3rd Action Plan resulted, then, in 4 Commitments divided into 4 Milestones each, to be executed, until 2024, by the Municipal Administration in partnership with civil society and coordinated by the Shared Management Forum, responsible not only for the construction of the Plan, but also for its implementation and monitoring. Since then, the city of São Paulo has made considerable advances in the answers to the problems named by the citizens.
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Conversation with Gabriela Chabbouh
It is a pleasure to be part of this process!!!
For sure Gabriela, and seeing how people are commitment with the plan to achieve a better city for SP population following the 2030 agenda
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