2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Quissamã: Municipalization of intra-municipal public transport
The NEA-BC project, conditioning the exploration and production of oil and gas by Petrobras in the Campos Basin, is responsible for mitigating the diffuse impacts resulting from them. Based on teaching-learning processes in which, through action and reflection, they expand knowledge about the reality and forms of intervention, the project seeks to promote the means for social groups affected by environmental impacts to participate in the construction and reconstruction of environmental policies of their municipalities.
It is influenced by this public policy that in Quissamã, the community active in the project, known as the Local Manager Group (GGL) developed actions to access public policies on urban mobility, proposing the municipalization of transport. Despite being a social right, the market logic is predominant in the transport system that determines the lines and schedules according to the profit of the companies. Because it is a small municipality, where the cost of transport is high in relation to turnover, the demand was for the government to be responsible for providing services in the municipality. Thus, the GGL organized itself to build knowledge by carrying out diagnostic actions such as knowing other realities in which the municipalization of transport was successful and carrying out a participatory diagnosis with the community to learn about their problems and demands on the subject. In addition, various training courses were held, such as workshops in the field of urban planning, urban mobility and public budgeting so that the GGLs could act on different fronts, in addition to holding events such as forums, debates, working groups, study groups and educational meetings. with external audiences. They also carried out interventional actions with dialogues with the municipality's transport coordinator, participation in public hearings and chamber sessions. The proposals regarding the municipalization of transport were presented at different times and the participatory diagnosis was used as a reference. It should be noted that the entire process described went through several stages, including planning and evaluation, from which new strategies were launched. The municipalization proposal was presented in the public budget in 2015 and 2016, both with a negative opinion. The continuous training process and the analysis of points for improvement, in addition to an effective channel for dialogue with the government, led to a new proposal being approved in 2017, thus being included in the 2018/2021 Multiannual Plan (PPA), namely: Municipalization of transport ensuring a permanent form of mobility in the municipality and the Municipalization of the municipal transit system. The proposals were also approved in the LDO and LOA for the year 2018. As a result of this whole process, the transport service is provided by the municipality itself, considering the transport flow adequate to the demands of the population and not only the logic of the market. Thus, the bus lines started to be allocated according to the demands identified by the population in the participatory diagnosis, considered as a reference by the municipal government and the population started to have access to activities, goods and services offered in the city, with accessibility and mobility. urban.
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Parabéns pelo projeto comprometido com as comunidades. Que haja mais e mais projetos pela coletividade!
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