2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Fatih: Strategic Decision System Project
The Strategic Decision System Project (SDS) is an agile-managed project that puts people at its center, supports participation, includes digitalization in governance and social innovation. The main purpose of the SDS Project is to ensure that public resources are used in a way that meets the needs of the people living there without wasting them. In this sense, SDS Project aims to bring together all the data concerning the region in a digital system and to make them talk to each other and synthesize.
The decision system offers managers a computer-based, flexible, adaptable and interactive decision-making platform. This system, which is the product of one-to-one communication with the citizen, has brought an innovative perspective to the subject of "governance" and "participation".
Factors, such as manual data analysis, lack of data in strategic decision-making processes, and separate and disconnected datasets, made the decision-making processes a ball of problems. These problems constitute the basic starting point of the SDS Project. With the SDS project, non-dynamic and manually executed this process in the data analysis system, has evolved into a dynamic, relational, and connectional system whose data source is "citizen". In this aspect, an unprecedented project has been implemented in local governments.
In order to access the data about the region, in the first implementation step of the project, the information was requested by official letters - 130 Reports and 35 Raw datasets were collected from 52 different institutions. Different data, such as population data, health institution data, number of immigrants, number of students and schools were collected in a database.
Based on the idea that there are people living there, a field communication team was formed to meet with the citizens, listen to their needs and record them in the system. Asking people living in the area, “What is your most important need in the area you live in?” “What are your most important problems?”, the team established to seek an answer to the question. The aim is to bring needs to the table of decision-makers.
The model was established by conducting research on the digital system in which the collected raw datasets would be brought together. Through the “SDS”, in which the citizens of Fatih are the subject and all data are collected, the strategy is produced through instant and dynamic analyses reflected on the screens of the managers and decision-makers.
The system is a layered and synthesizable platform where dynamic and open data can be interpreted together. Data can talk among themselves and extract meaningful analysis. Thus, different dynamics can be viewed simultaneously while making strategic decisions. As a result of the analysis of all the data, strategic decisions are made specific to target groups or target places, and short, medium, and long-term action plans are prepared.
The main objectives of the project:
- Optimizing resources for the public good,
- Developing participation in decision-making processes and a culture of Good Governance,
- Integrating different participation tools within the local government ecosystem by including them,
- Strengthening the concept of representative democracy,
- Making an integrated digital system based on data sustainable,
- Generating strategies and developing public policy with the synthesized data
- Increasing the quality of life with the strategies and investments produced,
- To keep the service and life quality above the threshold values by constantly measuring,
Based on the approach of "unmeasured performance cannot be improved"; the results of the SDS project are measured periodically through Satisfaction Surveys and Service Impact Assessment Surveys. The quality of the projects implemented in line with the demands of the citizens and the service delivery is constantly measured. This measurement is carried out by Fatih Municipality Communication Centre.
More information: https://www.fatih.bel.tr/tr
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