2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Mérida, Yucatán: Participatory Design of Public Spaces Program
Many lessons have been learned in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the Program for the Participatory Design of Public Spaces and among them are: the importance of citizen participation in the processes of urban transformation; the need to strengthen alliances, both between municipal agencies and between authorities and citizens; understanding and respect for differences to enrich the processes; and recognition of the value of the agreements. There is also specific learning, such as: the role of game design and techniques as a language that facilitates communication; clarity in objectives and methodologies allows flexibility in techniques to accommodate changing situations; Objectivity and subjectivity are associated in design processes, so decision-making requires accompanied by evidence and arguments.
A recurring theme is the insufficiency of public resources to meet the identified needs; many times, it is only possible to partially solve them. Faced with this reality, the opportunity opens up to convene more types of actors in urban transformations, to build alliances between different sectors and between levels of government, and to strengthen citizen self-management processes.
Core aspects are the monitoring and evaluation of processes and products, based on the approaches that give rise to them. In our case, we have started these actions and the results have been satisfactory. This publication is one such product; however, there is still more to do. Other entities with similar actions recommend making reports on each intervention including, in addition to the results of the design exercises, a mapping of key stakeholders with their responsibilities in the process, an observation log, and a survey of public space users. Perhaps your proposal for indicators deserves a careful review, in order to generate your own. His approach focuses on two aspects: participation and neighborhood management, and appropriation of public space. In any case, establishing a monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the Program is a task of the highest importance.
Innovative, avant-garde and inclusive, the Participatory Design of Public Spaces program is a highly reciprocal program that consolidates an increasingly specialized multidisciplinary and transversal municipal team, and most importantly, builds citizenship. As a result of the collaborative work between neighbors, identity, appropriation and co-responsibility in the use and construction of urban spaces are fostered.
It is important to point out the contribution of this program to the design of public policies regarding citizen participation in decision-making on the design of public spaces.
Carrying out strengthens our recognition as public servants that without the communities of Mérida, an exercise of this nature would be very difficult. Our communities are enthusiastic promoters of participation and the strengthening of democratic and transparent governance mechanisms. This citizen vitality is part of the identity that characterizes us, distinguishes us, and makes us proud as Meridians.
With the joint work of citizens and authorities, public spaces will be more complete, more dynamic, more versatile, more loved and more personal.
Website of the Citizen Participation Are of Merida’s Municipality: www.merida.gob.mx/participacionciudadana
Find more about his experience : https://isla.merida.gob.mx/serviciosinternet/ordenamientoterritorial/docs/DISENOPARTICIPATIVO_07062021.pdf
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