2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Manabí Prefecture: Participatory Budget “I participate” to make Manabí bigger”
The participatory budget of the Provincial Government of Manabí in Ecuador, is an exercise already formalized through a procedures manual called PARTICIPATIVE BUDGET FORMULATION (https://docs.manabi.gob.ec/share/s/dPwHI1laQIyKWs7KCQeJHQ), an initiative that seeks to give a formal turn to the involvement of citizens in decision-making on the allocation of public resources. Below is a summary of the experience in terms of origin, objectives, operation, results, monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the participatory budget in this prefecture:
Origin: The participatory budget in the Manabí Prefecture arises as a response to the need to promote citizen participation and strengthen transparent and democratic public management based on principles of inclusion, equity, transparency and accountability.
Objectives: The main objectives of the participatory budget in the Manabí Prefecture are: a) promote the active participation of citizens in the definition of public investment priorities, b) strengthen governance and participatory democracy, and c) guarantee an equitable distribution of public resources based on the needs and demands of the population.
Operation: The participatory budget process begins with the dissemination and awareness of citizens about their rights and the importance of their participation. Subsequently, citizen participation assemblies are held in which proposals for territorial demands are collected, agreed upon, analyzed and technically evaluated for their viability, and finally, the prioritization of the demands is carried out, which will be included within the operating budget. corresponding annual
Results: The implementation of the participatory budget in the Prefecture of Manabí has generated positive results, managing to strengthen citizen participation, and empowering communities in decision-making on the allocation of resources; In addition, transparency and accountability have increased, since the allocation of resources is carried out in an open manner within the reach of citizens.
Monitoring and evaluation: Continuous monitoring of the projects carried out through this participatory exercise is carried out, supervising the progress of the works, compliance with deadlines and their quality; Likewise, a comprehensive evaluation of the participatory exercise is carried out to identify lessons learned, areas for improvement and results achieved in terms of social impact and local development.
In summary, the implementation of the participatory budget in the Manabí Prefecture stems from the need to promote citizen participation and transparency in the allocation of public resources. Its objectives are to strengthen democratic governance and guarantee an equitable distribution of resources through participatory citizen assemblies, capturing proposals for solutions that are technically evaluated in citizen and technical consensus for their respective prioritization; The results include greater citizen participation, transparency and accountability of the process to improve and measure its impact through monitoring and comparative evaluation between what was requested and what was executed in the corresponding year.
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