2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Curitiba: Fala Curitiba Program
The Fala Curitiba Program was born with the purpose of improving popular participation in opportunities to suggest budgetary items for the Municipality of Curitiba.
In 2017, when the first edition took place, the population's access channels were a virtual tool (computerized system) available on the Municipality website and forms to be completed in face-to-face meetings. With the intention of achieving more and more capillarity and listening to different participants, the program has been evolving year by year and began to receive more resources, respect and responsibilities. Today, it is one of the main popular listening tools, extrapolating the budget assembly and producing results capable of assisting decision-making in public policies; it is also a great channel of information about what the City Hall can or cannot do with technical justifications about what is not feasible and direct and effective communication with citizens.
Monitoring what is elected gives city dwellers transparency, credibility and a lesson in the power of community organizing.
With approximately 500 professionals involved from March to August each year, the strategy is constantly evaluated by those who collaborate and never maintain the same format from one year to another.
In 2023, we listen to the population through printed forms that are taken to every corner of the city, through an agile and complete responsive system, in face-to-face meetings and in a vote that is the last funnel of the 100 priorities that enter the budget for the following year. These priorities become products of the Government Plan and are monitored until their final delivery, where, in most cases, we return to the citizen who made the initial suggestion, inviting him to celebrate the achievement and endorse the power of collective thinking, in favor of a better city.
The program evolves numerically, in quality, in credibility and new tools and experiences for citizens and the Municipal Administration itself, going far beyond the purpose for which it was conceived.
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Thank you for sharing this informative text about the Fala Curitiba Program. The program's evolution over the years and the use of various channels to listen to different participants are impressive. It's great to see the program expanding and producing results that assist decision-making in public policies. The use of printed forms and an agile and complete responsive system shows how the program is adapting to new technologies and listening to the citizens' needs. Overall, this post is very useful for my group https://word-finder.co/.
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