2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Tehran: Participatory budgeting through the project "I Am a Mayor"
Within this participatory budgeting process, 2080 projects were proposed. 1,462 projects were introduced as selected ones due to their participatory nature, worth 3.4000 billion rials equivalent to 12% of the Tehran Municipality’s annual budget. The selected projects were classified in 11 categories considering the priorities of the citizens. The participants in the survey were 345,450 Tehrani citizens, with the number of questionnaires completed by them reaching 458,504. This means that one of the goals of the project, which was to complete 500.00 questionnaires, has almost been achieved.
In terms of demographic characteristics, almost half of the responders were women and the other half were men, which indicates their shared concern in management of the city. The youth have been the biggest participating group, mainly concerned about the projects in their neighbourhoods and workplace area. More than half of the participants have higher education, which indicates their trust in the project and its application in management of the city.
Considering the weakening position of local councils as a bridge between the city managers and citizens, the municipality has initiated the project "I Am a Mayor" in order to fill the gap that has impacted its relationship with the citizens. The initiative allows citizens to address the challenges of their neighbourhoods in the form of projects and prioritize them based on necessity. In fact, the measure has been taken in order to engage the citizens and encourage their participation in the decision-making process of urban affairs.
Among the requirements of implementing this plan the following can be mentioned:
▪ Accompany of the citizens in the decisions and measures of urban managers (strengthening citizens' participation)
▪ Increasing accountability of city managers
▪ Education and increasing citizens' knowledge
▪ Informing citizens about the municipality's activities in order to increase their motivation and encourage their participation.
In participatory budgeting project of "I Am a Mayor" and similar projects to be conducted in the future, Tehran Municipality seeks to get the opinions of Tehrani citizens about urban projects at the neighbourhood and local scale. In order to present urban projects to the City Council and include them in the annual budget bill, we chose surveys to select the projects based on their priority. As such, the participatory budgeting entered the agenda.
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The aforementioned epidemic preventive measures should be disseminated more vigorously to ensure widespread awareness and adherence in order to prevent and mitigate the risk of contracting Covid-19.
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