2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Tiassalé: Support for Capacity Building of Local Actors on Inclusive Governance Mechanisms through Participatory Budget Promotion
The project entitled "Support for capacity building of local actors on the mechanisms of inclusive governance through the promotion of the Participatory Budget Process in the municipality of Tiassalé" implemented by the NGO MPLCI with the financial support of the European Union, aims to contribute to the improvement of good local governance through the promotion of the participatory budget and the emergence of a culture of citizen participation. In order to achieve this objective, the Non-Governmental Organization's mission was to strengthen the capacities of civil society actors and local elected officials for better support of grassroots democracy and to involve all citizens without exclusion in the management of local affairs to play their roles of control and citizen watch at the level of the municipality. At the end of the thirteen months of project implementation, several activities have been implemented with a more than acceptable degree of satisfaction.
Many difficulties were encountered during the implementation of the various project activities, but this in no way undermined the objectives. We can note a 90% completion rate and ownership of the project by all stakeholders. The activities carried out in the municipality of Tiassalé relating to our project, have made it possible to establish a favorable climate for the implementation of the participatory and inclusive budget process taking into account the concerns and priority projects for the population of Tiassalé. The project has contributed to the improvement of good local governance through the promotion of Participatory Budgeting and the emergence of a culture of citizen participation in the municipality of Tiassalé.
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