2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Ocoyoacac: Elderly Care
Ocoyoacac is a municipality of 72,103 inhabitants located in the State of Mexico, Mexico. At the beginning of the 2022-2024 administration, the Municipal System for the Integral Development of the Family (SMDIF) Ocoyoacac wanted to implement actions for the benefit of older adults. For this part of the planning, the implementation of various activities to maintain the physical and mental health of older adults in the municipality of Ocoyoacac was proposed.
The objective of the Elderly Care project is to promote and activate the integral development of the elderly to generate opportunities and benefits that improve their quality of life, eliminate social inequalities and gender inequities, and promote the development of their capabilities and initiatives in an inclusive social environment.
With respect to the methodology, within the Coordination of Attention to the Elderly, two projects originating from the program Support to the Elderly are implemented: Social Assistance to the Elderly and Active Life for the Elderly. They are evaluated with an Annual Operational Plan, since this plan sets out the action strategies for the future. This allows us to organize and give coherence to the project in order to achieve the objectives and development, since it helps us to prepare and organize, avoiding improvisation in the execution of the project.
The innovation of the practice has consisted in the opening of 2 day care centers and 8 groups of older adults. There, comprehensive care is provided, including activities and services such as: legal services and procedures, gerontological, medical, psychological and dental care, and activities that will help physical and mental health, highlighting Tai-Chi, a martial art that benefits older adults in improving concentration, memory, balance, reducing the risk of falling, strengthening the cardiovascular system, reducing stress and depression, etc.
In order to have a control of the above mentioned activities, the program is constantly monitored on a monthly basis, having the opportunity to propose strategies in case of not having achieved what corresponds to each month.
The elderly have had great acceptance for the activities provided by the Municipal System DIF Ocoyoacac, highlighting the implementation of the martial art Tai-Chi due to the benefits in their health and the participation they have had in various events in the municipality of Ocoyoacac.
The means by which the actions implemented for older adults are made known is through social media. In this space evidence of the activities provided by the Municipal DIF System of Ocoyoacac, showing activities, schedules and places where they are carried out. As it has been widely accepted by users, communication has been extended through social media. This space shows evidence of the activities provided by the Municipal DIF System of Ocoyoacac, showing activities, schedules and places where they take place. As it has been very well accepted by the users, communication has been extended through the people who go to the groups or Day Care Centers for the Elderly.
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¡Excelente propuesta!
Mejorará por mucho la calidad de vida de los Adultos Mayores de nuestro municipio.
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