2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Jordan municipalities: Developing “Jordanian Municipalities Community of Practice”
We are a group of fourteen municipal staff and elected officials. We started our group as trainers providing a new way of training to Jordanian municipalities which is based on peer to peer learning experience and adult learning methodology. Upon the outbreak of COVID 19 and the need to have more of an online presence to support one another we started thinking of an online platform to support municipalities in Jordan. The Jordanian Municipalities of Community of Practice was the result of this. Now we are more than 500 members representing 92 out of the 100 municipalities around the country.
Our goal is to promote knowledge sharing among Jordanian municipalities, and highlight best practices in this important sector. Our CoP started its activities in December 2022 and since then worked on developing an action plan for training and discussion topics to be covered within the community for 2023 upon consulting with our members and accumulated knowledge in the last four years.
We have developed and customized several tools to support knowledge sharing in our community such as podcasts on municipalities’ work, training, online forums, etc.
Our community of practice is the first of its kind in the Jordanian municipal sector, we are receiving support from colleagues from municipalities, the Ministry of local Administration, Civil Society Organizations and International organizations working in Jordan. We hope to grow and expand and see this award as an opportunity to share our experience on a global scale and learn from other countries' experiences.
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