2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Pikine Nord: Effective co-management dynamics of resources to fight Covid-19
The participatory approach that we have adopted has enabled better management of the crisis, ownership by local populations of a public process that could have led to various challenges, greater acceptance of complex targeting, optimal self-targeting beneficiaries and overall satisfaction of the population and the various actors involved.
The experience of co-management and participatory democracy having thus proved conclusive, the major challenge that we had to face thereafter was the replication of the model and its sustainability in order to improve the overall performance of municipal action. Indeed, the absence of contestation in the management of the health crisis in Pikine Nord has demonstrated the efficiency and relevance of this model in the face of the governance issues that we are experiencing.
The creation of communal committees and neighborhood sub-committees, but also the involvement at communal level and in each neighborhood of all the political, social and religious actors constitute the almost perfect implementation of the constitutional vocation of local authorities. encourage citizen participation in public affairs.
More information: http://www.communepikinenord.sn/
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Une démarche participative et inclusive à saluer et à pérenniser.
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