2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Electoral Institute of Jalisco: Demo fest
The project arises from the need to celebrate in a more accurate way two dates that are fundamental for the Institution, the day of citizen participation in Jalisco and the International Day of Democracy, that although some events were held to commemorate them, these did not have the desired impact; therefore, the idea of a festival that would ensure the inclusion of different audiences, as well as various scenarios with a common theme that year after year, would be changing was analyzed.
The objectives are to promote citizen participation, interest in electoral political issues, as well as civic education and, in this Demofest, the culture of peace and democracy.
Good results were obtained by considering it the first Demofest in the entity organized by the Instituto Electoral y de Participación Ciudadana (IEPC) Jalisco, the promotion of strategic alliances and institutional collaboration for the management and efficiency of resources.
Citizen participation was reflected in each of the events with opportunities for improvement. The work of evaluation, construction and deconstruction for the next Demofest. Perhaps with a wider range of cultural projects that invite citizens to reflect.
As a result of the efforts committed by the Electoral and Citizen Participation Institute of the state of Jalisco, the following events were achieved:
- Conversatory "Rethinking Democracy": 80 attendees.
- Film Series "Democracy and Peace": 600 attendees.
- Citizen Participation Seminars: 504 attendees
- Democracy and Peace" Discussion Group: 50 attendees
- Presentation "Democratic Classrooms": 150 attendees
- Essay contest (14 attendees) and debate (75 attendees).
- Diploma in Electoral Law: 87 registrations and 45 attendees
- Podcast David Altman: 29 reproductions
- Presentation of the book "Citizenship in Expansion" by David Altman: 100 attendees
- Summer Conference by David Altman: 100 attendees
These events will be rethought in each issue with a national or foreign guest speaker in order to acquire experiences in other environments.
Official website: https://www.iepcjalisco.org.mx/sala-de-prensa/boletines/demo-fest-democracia-y-paz
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I'm pleased I went, even though I assumed it would be a dull old website.
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