2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Département de Podor: Project for the generalization and perpetuation of household waste management systems (GP-GOM).
On July 8, 2009, the Department of Yvelines and the Saint-Louis Region signed a framework agreement for decentralized cooperation for a period of 5 years to carry out actions limited to the Department of Podor. A central cooperation theme was then chosen: the management and recovery of all types of waste.
Following the implementation in Senegal of Law III on decentralization adopted in December 2013, which entailed the abolition of the Regions and the creation of the Departments as local entities, the Departmental Council of Podor became the institutional partner of the Department of Yvelines. In June 2015, a framework cooperation agreement was signed between the two Departments for a period of five (05) years.
In the environment sector (a responsibility transferred to local authorities by the Senegalese government), the Department is responsible for local planning, while the Communes are in charge of waste management, the fight against unhealthiness and planning at the communal level. Therefore, the Department plays a role of harmonization of development policies and coordination of actions vis-à-vis the Communes.
For this reason, the Department of Yvelines and the Department of Podor submitted to the French Development Agency (AFD) the project "Generalization and sustainability of household waste management systems in the Department of Podor" (GP-GOM), as a continuation of the actions undertaken within the framework of cooperation.
The implementation of the project has contributed to improving the living conditions of the local population, providing a regular waste collection service, involving the local population in waste management under the supervision of the municipalities and giving them a sense of responsibility, as well as creating jobs.
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tion, dans la phase de mise en œuvre et de suivi et aujourd’hui fédérées par une organisation structurée, délégataire du système global. Ceci crée les conditions de l’efficacité, de l’efficience et de la transparence qui constituent les bases du développement territorial réel et viable.
Nous déclarons que le conseil départemental de podor est un département durable et nous agissons dans ce sens pour que la gestion des déchets soit une solution et pas un problème. Il est important de souligner que l’accompagnement de nos partenaires ma maison des Yvelines ( France)a été déterminant pour organiser les acteurs, les former et appuyer les municipalités dans la réflexion, la réalisation des ouvrages et le démarrage de l’exploitation.
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