2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Titibirí: Weaving Citizenship: Training and Social Accompaniment for Democracy, Participation and Reconciliation
"Weaving Citizenship: Training and social accompaniment for democracy, participation and reconciliation in the municipality of Titiribí", was the result of an alliance between the Mayor's Office and Corporación Conciudadanía, seeking to solve problems of social organization and the effectiveness of citizen participation in public affairs; which were diagnosed as weak, due to the absence of new leadership, the decay of organizational processes and the lack of knowledge of the functioning of the State and local administration.
Its objective was to increase the quality of citizen participation in order to strengthen local democracy through planning processes, political advocacy and the promotion of coexistence in the Municipality of Titiribí.
The project consisted in the implementation of a Citizen Training School, to strengthen the capacities and knowledge of leaders of all ages and genders in topics related to citizen participation, democracy, oversight, environmental management, memory and peace; enabling them to develop a qualified dialogue and advocacy with decision makers at the local level, for the management of their rights, the understanding and management of public affairs and the effective use of mechanisms for citizen participation and social control.
The work sessions were held every fifteen (15) days, in a didactic and participatory manner, with emphasis on dialogue of knowledge, respect for the word and dignity of the other and the other, learning by doing, through the replication of content and learning with other leaders, organizations and territories. Workshops and training meetings were held, as well as exchanges of experiences, replications by leaders and territorial visits.
Participants included leaders and members of organizations such as: Community Action Boards, Women, Victims, environmentalists, the Territorial Planning Council, the Municipal Rural Development Council, overseers, school children and youth council and youth collectives, community aqueducts, memory collective, as well as councilors, teachers, peace council, coffee growers committee,
Among the results we can highlight:
- The CTPs have the knowledge and tools for a good management of their functions, especially for the follow-up of the Development Plan.
- The leaders increased their knowledge about citizen participation, public management and develop social control exercises, for which they use the mechanisms for enforceability of rights.
- Women, youth and reconciliation committees have strengthened their organizations and are transcending social leadership to become proactive and involved in local public life.
- The communities are aware of and provide feedback on the memory process of the armed conflict developed in the municipality.
- The environmental collectives were strengthened organizationally and also their actions for the care and protection of water resources.
The project was permanently monitored and evaluated by the professionals in charge and in a participatory manner by the participants at the end of each work session.
- More information: https://conciudadania.org/
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