2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
Quilpué: Co-creation of the Community Plan for and for Disability 2022-2024
Quilpué is a commune located in central Chile and capital of the Marga Marga Province in the Valparaíso Region. With 151,708 inhabitants, Quilpué has grown exponentially over the last decade and is currently home to a diversity of communities between its urban sector (El Belloto) and its rural area (Colliguay).
In turn, Quilpué faces high social, ecological and territorial conflict that implies enormous challenges for the design of local public policies with prominence and citizen participation, which also deal with the protection, compliance and promotion of human, political, economic rights , social and cultural of the entire community of Quilpué.
That is why the co-creation of a Community Plan for and for Disability arises from the commitment of the administration of the Municipality of Quilpué to implement local public policies for citizen participation in the area of inclusion and, more specifically, with a focus on people with disabilities.
The main objective of this experience is to generate guidelines on the subject of disability and inclusion, which allow contributing to an inclusive culture and a space for active and permanent sociopolitical participation for the social inclusion of people with disabilities in the commune of Quilpué, Chile.
This experience was carried out in four (4) phases: 1) Creation of the "Territorial Table for and for Disability"; 2) Carrying out participatory dialogue sessions between civil society organizations; 3) Presentation of the "Communal Plan for and for the Disabled 2022-2024" to the Mayor of Quilpué; 4) Socialization of the Community Plan with the community of Quilpué.
Through 11 sessions, 15 civil society organizations participated to agree on a total of seven (7) work areas, seven (7) expected results, 24 actions and activities, 18 goal indicators, four (4) different means verification, and 11 entities as responsible. In total, 20 people - including activists, educators, caregivers and neighbors - participated in this experience, highlighting a pluralism in representation evidenced in the causes of autism, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, physical/hearing/visual disability /intellectual and caring.
This experience highlights an innovative practice in the fact that the content of the Community Plan was designed by the organizations themselves, being protagonists in the elaboration of this unprecedented local policy. In the same way, this experience achieved unprecedented articulation and synergy between organizations at the local level.
The evaluation of the process of co-creation of the Community Plan for and for Disability 2022-2024 is included in the interview and focus group instruments. Lastly, monitoring of this experience is exhibited in the permanent meetings of the Territorial Board for and for Disability to monitor compliance with the indicators of the goals together with the update of the Plan during 2024 for the period 2024-2026, thus ensuring the continuity of this space for participation with organizations that work for the social inclusion of people with disabilities in the Quilpué commune.
Methodology for citizen participation in this process (PDF)
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An innovative and participatory experience on good governance at the local level! Quilpué is breaking new ground in Chile regarding rights-based promotion where persons with disabilities and other historically marginalized communities are at the forefront of collective road maps for a more inclusive city and community.
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