2023 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
17th Edition
City of Naga: Institutionalizing People’s Participation in Governance
A Purok (English: district or zone) is an informal division within a barangay in the Philippines. While not officially considered a local government unit (LGU), a purok often serves as a unit for delivering services and administration within a barangay (village).
For so many years, the Purok System has been an existing or continuing experience in the Province of Cebu or the country in general. However, the City of Naga’s experience dwells on the innovations and best practices of the city in sustaining the Purok System that proves to be an effective venue that enables people participation in governance.
With the passage of Executive Order No. 14, series of 2016, the City of Naga, Cebu established and strengthened the puroks, defined its duties and functions and created the City Purok Task Force for such purpose. The implementation of the Purok System in the city was further strengthened through the passage of City Ordinance 2017 – 017, “Institutionalizing People’s Participation in Governance by Recognizing and Strengthening the Purok System in all Barangays in the City of Naga, Cebu”. Hence, the puroks are now guided by legislative measures and implementing rules and regulations so they can better participate in city development.
In institutionalizing the Purok System, strategies include the provision of rules and guidelines to enable the purok centers to carry out its powers and functions, forging and facilitating constant partnership with the City and Barangay Local Government Units, and creating a team from the City Government in carrying out centers’ day-to-day activities.The strategies are supported through the identification and establishment of purok mentors to promote and educate LGUs on the purok system, capacitation and strengthening of Barangay Purok Federation Presidents and Coordinators, adoption of a participatory planning process, establishment of Purok models, and installation of the Naga Atong Garbo (Naga Our Pride) Awards and Incentives System.
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