2024 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
18th Edition
Esplugues de Llobregat: Mission SDG Esplugues
Mission SDG has been a project to promote and raise awareness for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals promoted by the Esplugues City Council with funding from the Ministry of Social Rights and Agenda 2030 of the Government of Spain.
It has been a participatory, cross-cutting, transmedia and transformative city project that has opted for a gamified methodology and a narrative thread to raise awareness and involve all citizens, the educational community, the business community and associations in the municipality in the achievement of the 2030 Agenda.
The aim was to facilitate global and massive participation according to the interests and possibilities of each person or group. Therefore, this project has made it possible to combine the actions designed by the council itself with the initiatives that have come from other social and economic agents, from large organisations or companies to small entities or businesses, all of which have been relevant.
From June to December 2023, Esplugues put the Sustainable Development Goals at the centre of public life through games and with the collaboration of two fictional characters: PODS, positive and involved, and NODS, negative and unmotivated, who came to Esplugues to help us achieve the SDG Mission.
One of the objectives of the project has been to generate collaborations and synergies between the participants. Under the umbrella of the proposed actions, the participants discovered what unites us all in this mission. The importance of small changes in the daily decision making of people, organisations, companies and administrations has been the target on which the project has focused, in order to set the wheel of change in motion.
More than a hundred actions have been carried out, including an interactive game where the city became a game board, mini-games on SDGs, gamified exhibitions, virtual reality experiences, recreational events, talks, totems with images and shocking data throughout the city, and a long etcetera.
The essence of the project is still alive. Mission SDG has been the first phase of the participative elaboration of the Urban Agenda Esplugues 2030, the most important strategic document of the city. Mission Energy has also been launched, a project that now focuses on the SDGs in the “Planet” area.
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