2024 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
18th Edition
Cocody: from cassava processing to improving the quality of life and the environment in Cocody - The case of Blockhaus
The project "From cassava processing to improving the quality of life and the environment in Cocody - The case of Blockhaus", initiated by the Atchan Women's Association of the 6 villages of Cocody and supported by the Cocody Town Council, aims to improve the living and working conditions of the population of the village of Blockhaus, and ultimately those of all the villages in the Cocody commune, as well as protecting their ecosystems.
The main activities of these villages are the production and marketing of Attiéké and other products derived from manioc. Unfortunately, there is a problem linked to this activity, which has a negative impact on the environment and quality of life, not to mention the lack of efficiency in terms of productivity and profitability. As a result, this project, which aims to promote sustainable development and energy efficiency, has come at just the right time to reduce the growing unemployment in the villages and in the Cocody commune, and to act as a bulwark against environmental degradation. Since 2018, as part of the development of the Plan d'Action en faveur de l'Accès à l'Énergie Durable et Climat (PAAEDC), elected representatives, chiefdoms, the village community, associations and socio-economic players in Cocody have been involved in local development and environmental protection. By the end of 2026, at least two (2) villages will be affected in addition to the village of Blockhaus, and 50% of the girls, women and men of these villages will enjoy sustainable employment and a healthy and sustainable living environment. Economies of scale will be achieved for the benefit of all, and the environment will be protected thanks to participative management and local governance.
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