2024 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
18th Edition
Deliberative Democracy in Africa - Experience in various African countries
Demo.Rest involved young people because there is no inclusive and neutral platform that encourages active youth representation, participation and engagement in policy formulation, decision making process and leadership roles. While in Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Central Africa Republic (CAR), Kenya, Uganda, Cameroon, South Africa, and Zimbabwe, democratic governance and public affairs are manned by elites who dictate for the citizens and exhibit anti-democratic behaviors; young people are marginalized and perceived as being naive, incompetent, in-experience and lazy.
Youth marginalization and exclusion in democracy has continued to increase and negatively pervade every aspect of their lives thus undermining their access to information, opportunities and available social services which are needed to better local affairs. It invariably lead to failure of the government to adequately address youth needs, issues and concern- thus disempowering and pushing them into isolation and becoming silence and fearful to hold government accountable on its policy formulation and implementation as well as decisions and actions taken with the rule of the law been undermined.
In view of this, Extituto de Politica Abierta in partnership with Centre for Peace Advancement and Socio-Economic Development (CPAED) implemented the Demo.Rest project from 2021-2023 to increase youth participation in policy formulation, decision making and political processes. It empowers and supports young people to use advocacy, dialogue and art for effective and productive engagement with the government for change impact.
We work closely with country governments, CSOs, activists, media and private sectors sharing ideas, experience and information as well as showcasing youth initiatives that promote participatory democracy and push for change agenda. Youth are encouraged to use their various platforms to connect with other young people in broader communities for deliberative practice. Youth are now committed to creating desired changes, challenging the status quo and being part of a collective movement for change agenda setting in Africa.
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