2025 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
18th Edition
Process phases
115/11/2024 - 31/01/2025
Submission of applications
The deadline for proposal submissions is January 31, 2025. To complete your application, you must fill in the online form in English, French, Spanish, or Portuguese.
Visit our website to find out more about the terms, the nomination form and Application guidelines.
201/02/2025 - 28/02/2025
Review of applications by the Jury
A jury of experts, organised and divided according to the categories will evaluate the applications and choose the finalists for the award. These will be 50% of the applications received, with a maximum of 40 applications.
303/03/2025 - 31/03/2025
Citizen voting on the finalist proposals
Anyone will be able to choose the experiences they consider meritorious of the award. In order to participate in the evaluation, each person must register on the platform and choose a minimum of 5 nominations for their vote to be valid.
401/04/2025 - 10/04/2025
Jury's evaluation of the finalist applications
501/04/2025 - 15/04/2025
Jury meeting
The jury will meet to deliberate on the winning best practice, taking into account the citizen vote. The most voted proposal will receive a special mention in case the jury does not designate it as the winner.
616/04/2025 - 20/05/2025
Publication Preparation
The jury has already decided the winning experiences but they will not be made public until the Awards Ceremony in May in Córdoba
721/05/2025 - 23/05/2025
Award Ceremony and Publication of the Award
Córdoba, Argentina May 21-23