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Not only do Green Belt developments remove our valuable countryside, but do so at wastefully low housing densities. This year the average density of Green Belt development was 21 dwellings per hectare (dph), compared to 32dph elsewhere. This has increased from an average of 16dph in the Green Belt in the three years previously. The metropolitan green belt’s definitive aim is to restrict the urban sprawl of cities. In turn, this safeguards the surrounding countryside from development, enforcing the reuse of derelict land or ‘brownfield sites’. Additionally, the green belt acts as a barrier, stopping neighbouring towns and cities from merging. In modern mechanical engineering, forms seem to be developed mainly in accordance with function. The designer or inventor probably does not concern himself directly with what the final appearance may be, and probably does not consciously care. Critics of the green belt argue that the green belts defeat their stated objective of saving the countryside and open spaces. Such criticism falls short when considering the other, broader benefits such as peri-urban agriculture which includes gardening and carries many benefits, especially to the retired. Green Planning architects usually only take on projects with a reasonable chance of success. Each case is individual and they will give an appraisal of the issues involved and your chances of success before commencing work. Formulating opinions on matters such as Green Belt Planning Loopholes can be a time consuming process.
The general policy of green belt architects, and something they pride themselves on, is providing quality design solutions to be sympathetic to the local vernacular and environment using colours and material with a commitment to energy efficient and sustainable buildings. Green architecture is a philosophy that advocates for building with the environment in mind by using sustainable sources of energy, designing efficiently to reduce energy use, and updating existing buildings with new technology. Green Belt policies have not only protected the countryside, but have also contributed to the broader objectives of environmental sustainability. A compact city is a far more sustainable model for living than are low-density, car-reliant suburbs. The work of green belt consultancies is strongly contemporary and covers many design approaches, from traditional architectural design and building procurement to branding and interior design. Any replacement building in the green belt must be for the same use as the original and the Local Planning Authority are unlikely to support any applications for a change of use to residential purposes within a period of 10 years from its substantial completion. Innovative engineering systems related to GreenBelt Land are built on on strong relationships with local authorities.
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