2021 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
15th Edition 2021
Supports are subject to the following rules:
- You can support up to 5 proposals.
Sembrando Ciudadanía (Sowing citizenship) before and during the pandemic Covid19 (San Borja, Lima)
Our experience focuses on working on citizen values in our community through different actions, interventions, management and articulations carried out directly without the intervention of any level of government, fundamentally improving the quality of urban life and reducing inequality by promoting the activation and development of our public spaces in disuse before and during the pandemic, the improvement of existing spaces and the generation of new meeting and development spaces through community interventions. In short, doing things on a small scale and promoting public policies from the bottom up and not vice versa. These series of actions, interventions, management and articulations - both strategic and tactical, at almost no cost, participatory and based on civil society itself - seek, fundamentally, to generate processes that activate citizenship and have a direct impact on public policies and - why not - on private practices.
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Reciban un saludo desde Chía, Cundinamarca, Colombia.
Queremos felicitarlos por impulsar iniciativas de este tipo, que realmente contribuyan a la concientización de la ciudadanía de sus espacios y de la importancia que su voz puede tener en las decisiones de su territorio.
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