2021 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
15th Edition 2021
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- You can support up to 5 proposals.
Querétaro Citizen Security Observatory
The Citizen Security Observatory is a mechanism for evaluating the efficiency and effectiveness of public policies, programmes and/or actions of the Government of the State of Querétaro, generated through the proposal of the Citizen Participation Council on Security, which is a mechanism for citizen participation of the State Centre for Citizen Participation of Querétaro, and whose purpose is to, Once the call for its formation was issued, the Observatory was made up of three citizen profiles with specialisations in criminal law, human rights and knowledge of gender violence from a feminist perspective; the results of the analysis of the Observatory were made known to the government authorities responsible for issuing the document, The results of the analysis, with its recommendations and observations, as well as strengths and weaknesses, were also made known to the group of citizens who make up the Citizen Participation Council on Security, which had up to 180 days to analyse all aspects related to the issuance and subsequent implementation of the protocol for its improvement, As for the authorities who knew the results of the analysis, it was decided to take a pause in the publication of the protocol in the official newspaper of the State Government in order to improve and adapt the document considering the recommendations made by the observatory, this being a precedent in matters of citizen participation, where their valuable opinion is taken into account for decision making.
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Une fois l'appel à sa formation lancé, l'Observatoire a été composé de trois profils de citoyens spécialisés dans le droit pénal, les droits de l will homme et la connaissance de la violence de genre dans une perspective féministe
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