2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Sector 6B, San Borja, Lima - Proyecto COMUNIDAD - COMMUNITY Project
Our experience focuses on revaluing the community through direct action and self-management from 2019 to date through articulation and management with the different levels of government, entities, universities, cultural institutions, as well as private companies; promoting the activation, development, reassessment and resignification of our public spaces in disuse (before and during the pandemic) generating meeting places, participation, inclusive recreation, thus achieving, improving the quality of urban life and reducing the inequality gap in terms of to the enjoyment and use of collective spaces.
Before the pandemic, in 2019, we carried out a strong activation and development work in our public spaces, revaluing and resignifying them, through multiple initiatives and concrete actions, fundamentally for boys and girls, future citizens, generating bonds of affection, friendship, belonging, empathy, respect and love for their community in themselves and in adults.
But as a result of the health emergency produced by Covid19 2020-2021, the city dynamics took a 180-degree turn, with social and work spaces being restricted, confining all our activities and tasks in one place. The public spaces for outdoor games and social gatherings were totally unused, games completely taped off, lawns neglected, benches deteriorated, and people were afraid to circulate, reducing interaction as much as possible for fear of contagion, which generates anxiety, uncertainty. and depression.
Little by little, acting responsibly with respect to biosafety measures and as the measures have been released, we continue to reinforce and recover citizenship values in our community -so scarce and necessary- through different initiatives and community interventions with a strong social impact. within our community. For this reason, COMMUNITY is the strong word of the entire project to deepen the community organization of Sector 6 of the District of San Borja, which presupposes a permanent and active intervention as a necessity to face the current situation of socioeconomic, health, and recreational crisis. and of inadequate dignified and safe public spaces; promoting the articulation and cooperative work with social innovation and solidarity economy among the citizens themselves and with various public and private actors that interact in the general framework and working based on public values such as self-management, solidarity, resilience, cooperation, belonging and empathy.
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Interesante actividad con proyección a replicarse el distrito.
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