2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Torreón - Consejo Visión Metrópoli / Metropolitan Vision Council
The Metrópoli Vision Council is a youth citizen participation strategy convened by IMPLAN Torreón and is made up of university citizens, leaders of national and local civil associations, independent activists and public servants from the municipal administration and IMPLAN Torreón, between 18 and 35 years, residents of the 4 municipalities of the Laguna Metropolitan Area: Gómez Palacio, Lerdo, Matamoros and Torreón.
The activities, proposals and projects of the council respond to the vision of those who will lead the city, creating spaces that promote participation, linking with key agents for the development of a better city.
Since its installation, 16 councilors and 20 councilors have participated in the council, between 18 and 31 years of age, representing various sectors: university students, activists, civil servants, representatives of civil associations, since 2019.
Since 2019, the following actions, participations and projects have been carried out:
- Workshop with IMPLAN Querétaro, aimed at directors of Vision Metrópoli and IMPLAN Torreón. The purpose of the workshop was to sensitize the participants in projects that seek citizen participation.
- Jane's Walk, Pasos por la historia, 46 people participated
- Participation with the Directorate of Active Mobility in the preparation of a capacity in the streets surrounding Secondary School 8, where 36 people participated.
- Participation in the organization of the Manos a la cebra Contest, attended by more than 600 people, 2019 edition and 2020 edition.
- Lagunera Identity Seminar, 223 people participated.
- Series of VMx talks, published on IMPLAN and Vision Metrópoli social networks. One of the projects carried out during the isolation period by COVID-19.
- Metropolitan Bootcamp, 60 people received training in the methodology of the logical framework for the development of metropolitan projects.
- Diseño Mi Espacio Contest. Aimed at the construction of work spaces at home.
- Booklet: Mi espacio. Document of recommendations for activities during confinement.
- Hazlo Tú mismo, short film workshop for high school students
- Podcast: Metro Visión (available on Spotify)
- Publication of the Book Arte Urbano
- Support for the Santa Cecilia Migrant Kitchen
- Manual of Journalistic Notes on Suicide
Since the first activity carried out by the Council, the proposals for participation have been as varied as the profiles of the directors. They have adapted to current situations such as the period of confinement caused by COVID-19, where daily activities went from face-to-face to virtual format and therefore the way of thinking about citizen participation. At this stage, the counselors placed greater emphasis on the benefits of social networks and the well-being of mental health. Currently, the promotion of the manual of journalistic notes on suicide and the opening to receive new requests from applicants to the metropolis vision council is in process.
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Un proyecto que nace del Plan de Larga Visión de nuestra región, excelente acción.
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