2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Strengthening of the cultural and ancestral knowledge of the Andwa de Pastaza nationality of Ecuador (NAPE)
Strengthening of the cultural and ancestral knowledge of the Andwa de Pastaza nationality of Ecuador (NAPE) as part of the implementation of the PdIPPz REDD+ of the province of Pastaza
The Provincial Decentralized Autonomous Government of Pastaza -GADPPz-, through the Forum of Governors for Climate and Forests -GCF Task Force- obtains financing from the Norwegian Government for the construction of the Plan for the Implementation of Measures and Actions to Reduce Deforestation and Degradation of the Forests -PdI REDD+- of the province of Pastaza, these resources were managed by the United Nations Development Program and in the territory Nature & Culture International was the implementing partner of the GADPPz to develop this project. After the process of participatory construction of the PdI in coordination with the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition of Ecuador and with the permanent involvement of the actors of the territories, especially the 7 Indigenous Nationalities that inhabit the Province, in May 2021, The MAATE, through the Undersecretary for Climate Change, approves the REDD+ PoI of the province of Pastaza, which becomes the first approved PoI to be proposed by a subnational government in Ecuador, within the framework of the Ministerial Agreement 056 and the National REDD+ Plan “Forests for Good Living”.-
The Constitution of the Republic recognizes and guarantees the rights of indigenous communities, peoples and nationalities, Afro-Ecuadorian peoples, Montubio peoples and communes, established in international instruments, for which a Guide was prepared to carry out Free and Informed Prior Consultation ( FPIC), is considered Numeral 2 of Article 32 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples1, and it is recognized that REDD+ is a voluntary initiative. The State must consult the communities, peoples and indigenous nationalities, Afro-Ecuadorian peoples, Montubio peoples and communes before the implementation of REDD+ actions on their lands or territories to obtain their consent, since they must decide on their development.
The objective of carrying out the Free and Informed Prior Consultation (FPIC), is to guide the process of implementing REDD+ actions on lands or territories of communities, indigenous peoples and nationalities, communes and other groups of the Province of Pastaza, which depend on the resources of the forests for their subsistence.
The Provincial Decentralized Autonomous Government of Pastaza has the first subnational government in Ecuador, within the framework of the Ministerial Agreement 056 and the REDD+ National Plan "Forests for Good Living", where Free and Informed Prior Consultation (FPIC) processes have been carried out. ) in territories of the Indigenous Nationalities for Climate Change mitigation issues, which no public or private institution has carried out in the country, since these FPIC processes were only carried out for oil extraction and mining issues.
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