2022 Award "Best Practice in Citizen Participation"
16th Edition
Tehran Neighborhood Emergency Response Volunteers (DAWAM)
What does DAWAM stand for?
DAWAM which in Persian Language means continuity, persistence and sustainability, stands for “Däwtalaban-ě Wäkonesh-ě Ezterari Măhăleh” that means “Neighborhood Emergency Response Volunteers”.
The name is selected for Volunteer Emergency Response Teams, organized in Tehran at the neighborhood level to empower Tehran citizens and to reduce their vulnerability in natural disasters.
DAWAM Objective: The objective of the project is strengthening the capacity of residential communities at Mahale level to prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters, in particular those arising from seismic hazards, and linking this neighborhood-based capacity to Districts Disaster Management Headquarters and ultimately to TDMMO. This goal can be achieved through specific activities for training, organizing and equipping the neighborhood volunteers.
Scope of Work: The scope of program is establishment of Emergency Response Volunteer Groups at 370 Mahale of Tehran.
DAWAM Approach: The DAWAM Program is designed to mobilize the potentials of Tehran Citizens. It is a carefully designed program of training and practical exercises imparts the basic knowledge, skills and confidence that volunteers need for effective disaster response.
DAWAM Declaration: In order to create a common understanding of the mission and vision pursued by the Project among all the stakeholders, a declaration was formulated.
DAWAM project main parts: The main parts of the DAWAM project are as follows:
- Awareness raising, dissemination of information and documentation: Publication of advocacy brochures and posters; Web Design; Designing special clothes and armbands for volunteers. Procurement and distribution of stationery with project logo. Holding exhibitions in selected areas; Street theaters in different areas
Volunteers: Registration, Selection and organization of volunteers are of the most important parts of the Project, as reflected in its missions, visions, and the adopted declaration.
- Training: DAWAM members participate in the following training courses:
- Preparedness for Response to disaster
- First Aid Basics
- Search and Rescue Basics
- Fire Fighting Principals and Mitigation Measures
- Disaster Psychology Basics
Organization of volunteers: In each neighborhood, volunteers are organized into five groups after training. Candidates justify their duties and regulations in this regard. In each group, one volunteer is selected as the group coordinator.
Equipment: This element of the Project included the supply of Containers stored with 6 categories of equipment briefly described below:
- Individual equipment
- Group equipment
- Container-based equipment
- First Aid bags
- Medical equipment
- Toolkits
number of members: Group members are categorized into three levels as follows.
- Volunteer member: 21050 people
- Professional member: 3500 people
- Head of "DAWAM" Center: 320 people in 320 Mahaleh of Tehran
Voluntary activities: Before the natural disaster, the members of this group also carry out activities in the Mahaleh of the city. Some of these measures include the following:
- Participate in earthquake preparedness maneuvers
- Participate in vaccination to combat the corona pandemic
- Participating in the Practical competitions "DAWAM"
- Attending monthly meetings to review the status of activities
- Participate in the general education of citizens by attending schools and television programs
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Such voluntary groups are very useful for the sustainability and development of cities
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